We are happy to announce that one of the most anticipated crypto projects of the year 2018 – CryptoPicture, has just gone public. You would ask what’s in it for Photo Lab, but actually, our team has got more reasons to be excited than any other team. First of all Photo Lab got its spot in the picture during presale event – you can see our logo among the purchased slots. Besides (and it makes us extremely proud) the app’s founder Victor Sazhin is actually the person behind this original initiative in crypto industry.
So what is CryptoPicture? It is not just a promising project with a creative and smart team working on it, but also the world’s first decentralized advertising space regulated by Ethereum smart contract. It is a 1 million px canvas, divided into predefined blocks set for sale. We can go on and on talking about the project, but like a saying goes the Picture is worth a thousand words, so feel free to read the whole story on the project’s page.
We have high hopes for CryptoPicture and if everything goes as expected (and risk is always involved when dealing with projects like this) it’s gonna be one of the most valuable digital picture in history. So good luck to CryptoPicture and everyone involved in bringing it to life!