“I’m Tony Stark. I build neat stuff, got a great girl, occasionally save the world. So why can’t I sleep?”

Had we seen this post earlier our only answer to this epic question would have been: “Who sleeps on Halloween night and with such a mask from #PhotoLab on?” And by the way, the answer is still the same because whoever is behind Robert’s Instagram account won big.
Almost 1.5 million likes the #CreepySmileMakeup got over week make it not only the most successful post in Photo Lab’s history but also the most likable Robert’s Instagram pic ever! Can you believe this? We could not either at first. But on second thought why not? This effect is Halloween-scary, it’s funny and it’s smiling at you with that creepy smile nobody can resist.
Yes, we know Halloween 2017 is over, but whenever you are in a mood to frighten your friends to death, feel free to find this mask here.
PS: Do you happen to know the person behind RDJ’s Instagram and Facebook? Anyone? Please, contact us if you do. 📧
Check out the coolest Robert Downey Jr.’s fans reactions 🙃