Take a look at our new AI Cartoon Effects!

Full-body portraits, new effects, and loads of fresh stuff

It’s not easy to raise an AI artist. It requires effort, extensive technical skills, and lots of caring parenting love. If our AI would be a person, they would graduate from AI-college already with a set of solid skills. To celebrate that we’ve made a fresh and big update list. Here it is!

Widening the perspective

Guess what, now we’ve got full-body cartoon results. Our algorithm is being improved constantly, and by now the AI-artist is able to restyle the entire body instead of just bust-cropped portrait. Each one of those costs 20$ on freelance markets, but you know, AI doesn’t have to eat and pay bills, so you have your very own full-body artist free of charge. Сheck out our new full-body styles — Looking All Cartoon, Comic Strip Style, and What a Toon!. Yay!

There’s more to that 🦄…

How Photo Lab is NOT CONNECTED to the CIA

It’s not. We swear 🙂

After our Photo Lab app got viral in Bangladesh with its new photo effect (and reached #1 rank there on Android), three of their leading news websites «proved» it to be a part of IBM’s plan to sell data to the US Intelligence Agencies. Sounds ridiculous and it is, but that actually happened.

Shortly after we released new «AI Cartoon» effects, Photo Lab started slowly climbing the ranks in lots of countries. And this particular combo became a hit in lots of Muslim countries. Especially in Bangladesh! After becoming #1 photo editing app there by the end of last week, it moved up to top #1 overall in its Android store as of this Wednesday, beating Facebook and Instagram, the platforms from which the virality derived.

It became so popular that Bangladesh accounted for more than half of our daily processing, our servers even got down for some time. At some point, about half of Dhaka’s «Recent» Instagram posts were dedicated to our effects.

And early today the news broke. Three of Bangladesh’s leading websites (www.kalerkantho.com, www.somoynews.tv, banglanews24.com) posted an article claiming that Photo Lab is actually… CIA project aimed at collecting bank data of its users. Well, we are obviously not. We even don’t have an office in the US.

But just to respond to their points…

Look who’s wearing Photo Lab effects!

Celebs are just like us. They love to have fun, hang out on Instagram and play with cool photo effects (if they are SUPER DUPER cool, of course 😎). And we have some proofs for that.   

We’ve discovered recently that Will Smith (@willsmith) is sporting a cool new profile picture in his Instagram and Facebook accounts. Conspicuously, he made it with the help of the See The Good effect in Photo Lab. What can we say? It is quite clear that apart from his immense acting talent and charismatic personality, he can surely see the good! 😜

Who’s up next? 😉

It’s Time! Meet Your AI Cartoon Self in Photo Lab

Cartoon portraits have been quite popular since… always. Tons of artists on Fiverr and other platforms are selling the opportunity to get your hand-drawn version within two or three days. Just choose a style and pay the bill.

You wish you had another option? An instant one? Now you have it! Photo Lab is proud to introduce first-ever AI-driven Cartoon Portraits maker.

Let’s dig into it…

Ways to keep positive while staying home

During the COVID-19 outbreak, we all feel like the entire world is upside down. Coronavirus gets us all anxious and frustrated.

But worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but it never gets you anywhere. In this time of high anxiety and social distancing, there are still ways to keep being positive, even while you’re stuck at home (hope you know that staying home 🏠 is the only way to keep yourself safe, as well as to prevent the spread of the virus).

Stay home and keep positive

Quick hint: Click on ANY picture in this post to apply the same effect to your photo 😉

Wanna know how to maintain emotional well-being while staying home? Then keep reading 😌

6 things to avoid if you want your combo to be published in Photo Lab Feed

A secret you may not know about us is that we love good, unique and high-quality photo content at Photo Lab. For this reason, the Feed tab you see in the app is always carefully moderated. No worries, it doesn’t mean that the combos you send to our feed are not visible to other users if they view your account. But it won’t get to the top of the Feed having one of these issues.

Read further to learn the things to avoid 😉

Warmest Christmas & Happy New Year Wishes from Photo Lab team

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our dear users! We wish you all fantastic holidays and lots of fun and creativity in the year to come.

Merry Christmas 2019

Thank you for being our inspiration and motivation in 2019, and for sharing your creative vision with us! Your combos in Photo Lab made our year, really. And believe us, it was so much fun creating all those smart and crazy photo effects for you.

Stay tuned for even more joy and updates from us in 2020!

Yours faithfully,
Photo Lab team

BOO 🎈 Happy Halloween!

The spookiest night of the year is almost here, so get ready to have fun and gather as many yummy treats as possible! Trick (or treat?) your family and friends, take care of yourself and beware of monsters 😱 Also don’t forget to take lots of BOOtiful selfies, apply Photo Lab’s Halloween specials and share your results with us 🎃

Happy Halloween

Enjoy this SPOOKtacular and FANGtastic night 👻 Happy Halloween!

Photo Lab: game-changing features you must know about

Even if you usually read all our what’s new texts that go with every Photo Lab update on major app stores, this post can still be worth your while. We did our best to illustrate the highlights of the most recent features with stunning examples in the hope of inspiring you for the most outstanding reworks.

New wings in stock. And more.

We believed you could fly and made a step forward to fulfill your dream by giving you all sorts of wings possible – angel’s (goes with a halo of course), butterfly’s, fairy’s, dragon’s, or tiny doodle-style ones with a cute little crown.

Photo Lab app: effects powered by AI skeleton segmentation

Keep reading